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DVDFatal is the name of a fatal exception that is raised when a Wii or GameCube fails to read the game disc and cannot recover from the resulting error. Contrary to popular belief, DVDFatal is merely the internal name of the error handling code, and is not actually a function.

In order for the DVDFatal code to be ran, the variable DVDSetAutoFatalMessaging needs to be set to true at the beginning of the program. The variable needs to be set to true manually in the Dolphin SDK, but is set automatically in the Revolution SDK. When the variable is set to false, custom error handling code would be required to be written. If DVDSetAutoFatalMessaging is set to true, then a message similar to the following message will be displayed on screen.

"An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button, remove the Game Disc, and turn off the power to the console. Please refer to the Nintendo GameCube Instruction Booklet/Wii Operations Manual for help troubleshooting."

Earlier versions of the Revolution SDK DVD library used this message instead:

"An error has occurred. Turn the power off and refer to the Nintendo Revolution Instruction Booklet for further instructions."

This was followed by this variant before the final version:

"An error has occurred. Turn the power off and refer to the Instruction Booklet for further instructions."

The only way to clear the error is to power off the console, as the code calls OSFatal after drawing the screen, which in turn calls PPCHalt.