Movie-Ch Install Disc

The Movie-CH Install Disc (internally known as "MovieCH Import Disc") is a disc used in Nintendo repair centers in order to install the Wii + Internet channel on Wiis being repaired which previously did not have the channel installed.

Movie-CH Install Disc
Image of Disc:
Picture of the disc from GameDealDaily

Disc Internal Name: MovieCH Import Disc Disc ID: 091E01

Disc IOS: 9

Disc Release Date: Unknown, 2008-9 presumed

Disc Build Date: Around September 2008

Disc Apploader: Feb 2007 Apploader

The disc was originally discovered through the image which revealed the DiscUpdate Disc, and was soon revealed to be for sale on GameDealDaily. It was purchased by several people; eventually, Billy♪#9063 managed to resurface the disc (all copies came scratched to the extent that only about 50% of the disc was readable) and got a full, clean 1:1 dump of the disc.

Disc information

Update partition

The disc contains a mysteriously corrupted update partition, but a clean data partition containing the usual Wii disc files (apploader, FST, main.dol, etc.) and a files/ folder containing a viewer/ folder containing the WAD that the disc's main.dol installs.

Disc behavior

The disc checks the free NAND capacity and NAND integrity, then installs the HCGE.wad file in files/viewer to the NAND; if installation is successful, it then launches the installed title. The main.dol appears to be a modified version of Nmenu.


The disc checking the NAND status of the target system
Message that shows upon install completion
The disc ejection prompt
The install failure message
The channel import (install) message.
Channel launching message
Error that displays when NAND free space is too low to install the channel.