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'''CPU-X4''', formally known as the '''Japanese Nintendo DSi Prototype''', is a prototype that was used for development of Nintendo DS or DSi software. This unit is completely different from a retail unit.
===<u>Shell Differences</u>===
The prototype was first found on December 18th 2018 when a user by the name of Trash_Bandatcoot started a conversation with a user by the name of ProtonX on NintendoAge. Trash_Bandatcoot asked about any DSi development units he owns or may have owned. ProtonX replied that he had 2 Panda DSi's and at the moment a "weird looking DSi".
{|style="margin: 0 auto;"
*The shells have a glossy finish, similar to the back of the top screen of a Nintendo DSi XL, and similar to some Nintendo DSi non-working shelf units
| [[File:DSidev front.jpg|200px|thumb|Image of the front, turned on.]]
*The color is typically off-white
| [[File:DSidev_back.jpg|200px|thumb|The back, with a yellow sticker translating to "For development only".]]
*The button prints are darker than the ones on a white retail Nintendo DSi
*There are no prints for '''POWER''', '''START''', '''SELECT''', or any of the icons for "on", "charging" or "wireless connections"
*There are no prints on the back, only the serial or occasionally a sticker marking the unit's purpose
===<u>Prototype Firmware</u>===
DSi prototypes usually have a very limited firmware. There is an autoboot only Launcher (no accessible menu), and a limited settings app which is often unavailable. There are firmware versions with a full home menu and set of apps, but most times the prototype firmware was compiled to be limited for uses like factory firmware where a menu is not needed.
==Plastic Shell Differences==
====- MachineSettings====
* The DSi shell has a glossy finish, similar to the back of the top screen of a Nintendo DSi XL, and similar to some Nintendo DSi non-working shelf units. Nintendo does this often on pre-production shells, but the overal look replicates a retail unit.
Each prototype comes with a copy of MachineSettings<ref>https://randommeaninglesscharacters.com/dsidev/machinesettings.html</ref>, the internal equivalent to the DSi System Settings app. The options in the app have been listed below, though each version will have settings added or removed depending on the purpose (eg. factory firmware MachineSettings has the bare mininum as it is only used for basic tests).
* The button prints are darker than the ones you can find on a white retail Nintendo DSi. They're black instead of grey.
* There are no prints for '''POWER''', '''START''', '''SELECT''', or any of the icons for "on", "charging" or "wireless connections".
* There are no prints on the back, only a yellow sticker that says "Only for development" (as seen on the image above).
* The SD Card slot opening mechanism is different. There is a small curve on the bottom, rather then opening it from the side.
==Unit settings==
*'''LANGUAGE''' - Changes the language. Depending on the console's region, there are 8 different languages. This specific unit was set to Japanese.
There are some settings that can be found on a retail Nintendo DSi, but there are some debugging settings.
*'''DATE & TIME''' - Allows you to change the time & date of the unit.
*'''USER INFORMATION''' - Allows you to change user data, like the unit name, birthday and personal message.
*'''PARENTAL CONTROLS''' - Enables or disables Parental Controls, featuring a rating lock, target age, organization (CERO, PEGI or ESRB), set a password, a "Secret Question ID" and letting you change the secret question.
*'''COUNTRY SELECT''' - Lets you change the country you live in. You can select every single country availible across all final system versions.
*'''TOUCH PANEL''' - Allows you to calibrate the touch screen. The test mode is also different. Rather then having 4 dots in the corners, you can drag a cursor around the screen.
*'''FREESOFT BOX''' - A debugging feature for the launcher, allowing you to change the amount of open application slots and filling them as well with a placeholder. On a retail DSi, there are 39 slots.
*'''WIRELESS''' - Allows you to turn on or off wireless connections, like Nintendo WFC or Download Play.
*'''EULA''' - Forces the unit to accept or deny the EULA without going online. You can also accept different EULA versions.
*'''MACHINE CLEAN UP''' - Clears the user settings and formats the unit.
* '''LANGUAGE''' - Changes the language. Depending on the console's region, there are 8 different languages. This specific unit was set to Japanese.
<gallery widths="250px" heights="250px" mode="packed">
* '''DATE & TIME''' - Allows you to change the time & date of the unit.
* '''USER INFORMATION''' - Allows you to change user data, like the unit name, birthday and personal message.
* '''PARENTAL CONTROLS''' ''(Hidden)'' - Enables or disables Parental Controls, featuring a rating lock, target age, organization (CERO, PEGI or ESRB), set a password, a "Secret Question ID" and letting you change the secret question.
* '''COUNTRY SELECT''' ''(Hidden)'' - Lets you change the country you live in. You can select every single country availbile across all final system versions.
* '''TOUCH PANEL''' - Allows you to calibrate the touch screen. The test mode is also different. Rather then having 4 dots in the corners, you can drag a cursor around the screen.
* '''FREESOFT BOX''' ''(Hidden)'' - A debugging feature for the launcher, allowing you to change the amount of open application slots and filling them as well with a placeholder. On a retail DSi, there are 39 slots.
* '''WIRELESS''' - Allows you to turn on or off wireless connections, like Nintendo WFC or Download Play.
* '''EULA''' ''(Hidden)'' - Forces the unit to accept or deny the EULA without going online. You can also accept different EULA versions.
* '''MACHINE CLEAN UP''' ''(Hidden)'' - Clears the user settings and formats the unit.
==Board revision==
===<u>Hardware Modifications</u>===
On December 18th 2018, ProtonX released photos from the inside, confirming this was a prototype.
Some prototype DSis were used in a factory setting (needs citation) and have had wires attached to allow for external control.<gallery>
* There is no sticker on the board. Instead, Nintendo used permanent marker with '''A-2''' written on it.
File:DSi proto wires power.png|Wires attached to the GND and reset pins on the battery board. This allows the DSi to be turned on and off externally.
* The board has '''CPU-X4''' writen on it. A retail Nintendo DSi has '''CPU-01''' writen on it. This is enough to confirm that this is a prototype, noted by Razor83:<blockquote>''Actually Ninty always uses '''X''' to denote prototype motherboard revisions, so '''X4''' means its the fourth prototype revision. When the motherboard is finished and final/retail they change it to '''01'''.''</blockquote>
File:DSi proto wires a.png|Wires attatched to the A button.
* The battery slot and the left side of the DSi note '''C/TWL-SUB-X3'''. This could indicate parts from CPU-X3 were recycled.
File:DSi proto wires unknown.png|Wires attached to the C90 and C13 resistors. Connecting them on a retail DSi results in an immediate shut off.
File:X6 pair open.jpeg|A pair of X6 prototypes. There are wires visible from the sides of the units.
File:X6 pair closed.jpeg|A pair of X6 prototypes. Both have a ribbon cable coming out from the hinge. This is in the same location as the screen ribbon cable.  
{|style="margin: 0 auto;"
| [[File:Board1.jpg|200px|center]]
Prototype serials start with "AAA", followed by either "PP", or "mPP". Serials containing "PP" likely mean '''P'''re'''P'''roduction, and ones with "mPP" likely mean '''M'''ass '''P'''re'''P'''roduction. The serials of released prototypes are listed below.
| [[File:Board2.jpg|200px|center]]
| [[File:Board3.jpg|200px|center]]
| [[File:BatteryShell.jpg|200px|center]]
{|style="margin: 0 auto;"
*AAAPP2BG2356 (X4 from Voodooween)
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-PCB-1-Small.png|250px|center]]
*AAAMPP3EH529 (X6 from MarioDS64)
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-PCB-2-Small.png|100px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-PCB-3-Small.png|75px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-PCB-4-Small.png|250px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-Shell-1.png|200px|center]]
== Trading & dumping ==
Somewhere around May 2019, the console was traded off for $750 to an unknown seller on NintendoAge. ProtonX replied that he did not want to reveal the name of the seller, “unless he wants to be revealed”. Ever since then, more people started to talk about this unit, meaning that the unit is now worth a lot more.
'''CPU-X4''', formally known as the '''Japanese Nintendo DSi Prototype''', is a prototype that was used for development of Nintendo DS or DSi software. This unit is completely different from a retail unit; the TwlIPL repo leaked as a part of the [[Zammis Clark Breach|2020 Zammis Clark breach]] dates the software that this unit runs to be around April 2, 2008, several months before the release of the DSi. Unlike most autoboot prototype firmwares MachineSettings will be booted when no cartridge is inserted.
In that same month, it was revealed that Voodooween, who was known for his other DSi contributions, has bought the unit and he was planning to dump it. The NAND and firmware were dumped 3 days later, with the NAND partly working on No$GBA and retail hardware.
The first images originated from private conversations between Trash_Bandatcoot and ProtonX on December 18th 2018.
== Applications and software ==
The contents of the NAND is very spice, with only 2MB of data stored. A total of 4 prototype applications are on the NAND, known as
File:DSidev front.jpg|Image of the front, turned on.
*'''WiFi Firmware''' (0003000f/484e4341),
File:DSidev back.jpg|The back, with a yellow sticker translating to "For development only".
*'''Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist''' (0003000f/484e4841),
File:DSi-SDK-6291-Shell-2.png|Another image of the front, closed.
*'''Settings''' (00030015/484e4241)
File:DSi-SDK-6291-Shell-3.png|A better image of the back.
*and '''Launcher''' (00030017/484e4141)
File:DSi-SDK-6291-Console-1.jpg|Another image of the front.
The boot process is also simple. The Launcher checks for errors and tests itself before launching. If no cartridge is inserted and the unit tested itself good, it will boot the Settings app.
File:DSi-SDK-6291-Console-2.jpg|There's nothing stopping you from running development carts.
{|style="margin: 0 auto;"
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-1.png|200px|center]]
{| style="margin: 0 auto;"
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-2.png|200px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-3.png|200px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-4.png|200px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-5.png|200px|center]]
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-6.png|200px|center]]
{|style="margin: 0 auto;"
{| style="margin: 0 auto;"
| [[File:DSi-SDK-6291-Error-7.png|200px|center]]
== Notes ==
* The prototype did not come with a special cartridge or SD Card. The built-in software doesn't even interact with the SD Card.
Unlike other prototypes that have all white shells, the X6 prototypes have a black inner-top shell. This model was most likely used in a factory out of any others and has had 4 reported cases of the hardware modifications listed earlier. The X6 appears to be retail<ref>https://randommeaninglesscharacters.com/dsidev/release/proto-factory.html</ref>. The first release came from MarioDS64.<gallery>
* This is what ProtonX had to say when asked how he got the unit: <blockquote>''<s>Yeah, I'm unlikely to do a NAND dump, as I've never been part of the missing scene.</s> However, I did collect lots of development equipment at one point (I've got Wii U kits, GBA, DS, 3DS) which is where I got this.''</blockquote>
File:X6 open.jpg
* The previous/prototype battery died, so it was replaced with a retail one.
File:X6 top.jpg
File:X6 bottom.jpg
== Todo ==
File:X6 back.jpg
Some cleanup (bits and pieces from formatting I've seen on The Cutting Room Floor) need to be done, as well as posting clean menu screenshots (also from the hidden menu's) and trying to trigger the launcher. Also need to include sources to images and footage, and change up some capital letters.
File:X6 left.jpg
File:X6 right.jpg
File:X6 mobo front.jpg
File:X6 mobo back.jpg
File:X6 mobo info.jpg
</gallery>There was another X6 posted on GBAtemp by HI_Ricky.<gallery>
File:DSi-Unknown-Proto-1.png|The front.
File:Img 1541a.png|Only the bottom DSi is a prototype, the top one is retail.
File:Img 1542a.png|The back of the prototype, with a green sticker that was pulled off. Perhaps this was a DSi checked by the FCC?
File:Img 1543a.png|Side by side.
File:Img 1544a.png|Side by side, again.
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<references />

Latest revision as of 07:28, 21 December 2024


Shell Differences

  • The shells have a glossy finish, similar to the back of the top screen of a Nintendo DSi XL, and similar to some Nintendo DSi non-working shelf units
  • The color is typically off-white
  • The button prints are darker than the ones on a white retail Nintendo DSi
  • There are no prints for POWER, START, SELECT, or any of the icons for "on", "charging" or "wireless connections"
  • There are no prints on the back, only the serial or occasionally a sticker marking the unit's purpose

Prototype Firmware

DSi prototypes usually have a very limited firmware. There is an autoboot only Launcher (no accessible menu), and a limited settings app which is often unavailable. There are firmware versions with a full home menu and set of apps, but most times the prototype firmware was compiled to be limited for uses like factory firmware where a menu is not needed.

- MachineSettings

Each prototype comes with a copy of MachineSettings[1], the internal equivalent to the DSi System Settings app. The options in the app have been listed below, though each version will have settings added or removed depending on the purpose (eg. factory firmware MachineSettings has the bare mininum as it is only used for basic tests).

  • LANGUAGE - Changes the language. Depending on the console's region, there are 8 different languages. This specific unit was set to Japanese.
  • DATE & TIME - Allows you to change the time & date of the unit.
  • USER INFORMATION - Allows you to change user data, like the unit name, birthday and personal message.
  • PARENTAL CONTROLS - Enables or disables Parental Controls, featuring a rating lock, target age, organization (CERO, PEGI or ESRB), set a password, a "Secret Question ID" and letting you change the secret question.
  • COUNTRY SELECT - Lets you change the country you live in. You can select every single country availible across all final system versions.
  • TOUCH PANEL - Allows you to calibrate the touch screen. The test mode is also different. Rather then having 4 dots in the corners, you can drag a cursor around the screen.
  • FREESOFT BOX - A debugging feature for the launcher, allowing you to change the amount of open application slots and filling them as well with a placeholder. On a retail DSi, there are 39 slots.
  • WIRELESS - Allows you to turn on or off wireless connections, like Nintendo WFC or Download Play.
  • EULA - Forces the unit to accept or deny the EULA without going online. You can also accept different EULA versions.
  • MACHINE CLEAN UP - Clears the user settings and formats the unit.

Hardware Modifications

Some prototype DSis were used in a factory setting (needs citation) and have had wires attached to allow for external control.


Prototype serials start with "AAA", followed by either "PP", or "mPP". Serials containing "PP" likely mean PreProduction, and ones with "mPP" likely mean Mass PreProduction. The serials of released prototypes are listed below.

  • AAAPP2BG2356 (X4 from Voodooween)
  • AAAMPP3EH529 (X6 from MarioDS64)


CPU-X4, formally known as the Japanese Nintendo DSi Prototype, is a prototype that was used for development of Nintendo DS or DSi software. This unit is completely different from a retail unit; the TwlIPL repo leaked as a part of the 2020 Zammis Clark breach dates the software that this unit runs to be around April 2, 2008, several months before the release of the DSi. Unlike most autoboot prototype firmwares MachineSettings will be booted when no cartridge is inserted.

The first images originated from private conversations between Trash_Bandatcoot and ProtonX on December 18th 2018.




Unlike other prototypes that have all white shells, the X6 prototypes have a black inner-top shell. This model was most likely used in a factory out of any others and has had 4 reported cases of the hardware modifications listed earlier. The X6 appears to be retail[2]. The first release came from MarioDS64.

There was another X6 posted on GBAtemp by HI_Ricky.