unsorted.7z is the name of one of the leaked archives from the Zammis Clark Breach. It was leaked on May 2, 2020, on the 4chan board /ppg/. unsorted.7z was the first released archive from the breach to include several different types of content, rather than just Pokemon. It was the first of these leaks to gain widespread attention, including a video made about it by Modern Vintage Gamer, which gave it lots of attention, but also led to many misunderstandings due to false claims made in the video.

The archive contained dumps of the "bb" (BroadOn Board/iQue Player) and "ng" (NNGC) development trees from BroadOn's servers, sent in TAR files from BroadOn to Nintendo. The things that have been found in this data include:

  • Source code for boot0, boot1 and boot2
  • Source code for IOS
  • Source code for the DVD and EXI libraries from the Wii SDK
  • Block diagram/datasheets for every Wii system component & Verilog for AES/SHA
  • Documents from BroadOn describing feature planning and implementation, APIs, and documents relating to internal software
  • Documents from 2004-2006 describing plans for the implementation of the Wii
  • Miscellaneous Nintendo data, including an internal WPAD SDK from 2005 and a Wii Overview from RVL_SDK 1.0
  • Internal GameCube documents, including a physical disc layout
  • iQue related data, located in the "bb" tree, including various documents, tools, and huge CVS code repositories

Moments after the leak, people quickly made a discovery of a software tool used in the Wii Factory Process called sd_boot. This contained a vulnerability, which was found by Fullmetal5 and could be used to install BootMii as boot2 on Bollywood Wii consoles with a patched boot1.

For some reason, in the iQue files, there is either partial source code or development data related to Super Mario 64, which was not discovered until months after the leak, and can be found at the following path:

