

From Rare Gaming Dump
Created page with "==Info== This is a file auto-generated by CVS with a log of every file added to the directory "home/ique/iQue-GBA/cvsroot". This can be considered sort of a file list or direc..."
This is a file auto-generated by CVS with a log of every file added to the directory "home/ique/iQue-GBA/cvsroot". This can be considered sort of a file list or directory tree. The "home/ique" part is in reference to where the contents of iqgba.tar originally sat on iQue's internal file servers.

Most of the files from "home/ique/iQue-GBA/cvsroot" were either moved from the directory or deleted. Although this "history" file shows that they used to exist inside [[netcard.7z/iqgba.tar/iQue-GBA/cvsroot|iQue-GBA/cvsroot]], which is a folder that has been leaked, these files can not be found in that folder, or anywhere in iqgba.tar, or any of the other leaked data. It is possible that this data was removed by the leaker themself before leaking [[netcard.7z]], or it was removed by wack0 before sending it to anyone else.

There is a similar file located in iqgba.tar/iQue-GBA/viewer/CVSROOT, called [[netcard.7z/iqgba.tar/iQue-GBA/viewer/CVSROOT/commitlog|commitlog]], which is a log of every commit that CVS has tracked, inside "home/ique/iQue-GBA/cvsroot". This also lists every directory and every file that has existed inside "home/ique/iQue-GBA/cvsroot".

The files and directories listed in "history" are very similar to the contents of [[bbgames.7z]]. There is the source code for multiple Nintendo 64 games and Gameboy Advance games, used by iQue for Chinese localization. Many of the directories from bbgames.7z also show up here. Some of the folders have been renamed, but it is easy to tell which is which.

One of the main things about [[bbgames.7z]] is that a lot of the source code folders had their original ".c" source code files removed and/or replaced by pre-compiled ".o" and ".s" files. The "history" file shows the existence of ".c" files in the folders for games that had the ".c" files removed in their matching bbgames.7z counterparts.

==Directory list==