Clean Dumps Index

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This is an index of all currently preserved clean NAND dumps. For more information, see the pinned messages in #clean-dumps-project on the RGD Discord.

Dump Status

There are five dump statuses defined:

CD - Clean Dump. A fully clean dump, with no writes to the NAND chip being performed by the user or as a result of user action before the dump.

MCD - Mostly Clean Dump. A dump from a relatively unused device that still had some NAND writes performed, such as by booting into the OS to run dumper software.

UD - Unique Dump. A dump which isn't necessarily clean, but is catalogued and preserved due to some unique property of it (such as it being from a special device or having special software).

OB - Obtained. A dump which is pending, but someone in the community has obtained the device they intend to dump.

WA - Wanted. A device for which a dump is wanted, but no one in the community is able to provide one yet.


Device (and product code, if applicable) Serial Number Original Purchase Date (if known) Manufct. Date (if known) Dump Status Dump Method Dumped By Folder name Size, SHA256, SHA512 (NAND) Size, SHA256, SHA512 (Key file, if applicable) Dump date Notes
Nintendo Wii (RVL-101) KU607708712 Unknown Unknown CD Hardware DeadlyFoez CD-RVL001-DeadlyFoez 553648128
2019 NI DB

Black, bundle with NSMBW and Mario Galaxy CD

New Nintendo 3DS (KTR-001) OB Ordered by RedBees. NI DB.