
t210_t214_brom.7z was an archive leaked to /ppg/ on Christmas Eve, 2020, alongside eevee.zip, which was leaked on the same day. This archive contained two ZIP files, "erista-bootrom-master@96df02fd1a1.zip" dated February 6, 2018, and "mariko-bootrom.zip" dated May 23, 2018. These were two versions of NVIDIA's source code for the Nintendo Switch's bootrom.

The contents of the 7z file when opened.
Date leakedDecember 24, 2020
OriginZammis Clark Breach
TypeBootrom source code
Filesize4.7 MB (4,684,568 bytes)
Relevant consolesSwitch

The size of the 7-zip archive totaled 4.7 MB, which is small enough to send over Discord without hitting the 8 MB file size limit.