
Revision as of 01:37, 13 March 2021 by Lavacakes (talk | contribs)

This page describes the filesystem of netcard.7z/gba.tar.


(Up one level)


gba.tar is a dump of BroadOn's "gba" source tree, like the "bbgames" tree from bbgames.7z and the "ng" and "bb" trees from unsorted.7z. Unlike the other trees, it does not contain a directory called "depot", the files are stored in a folder called "depot-offline". It is organized the same way as the "ng" tree, with three main folders: "doc", "hw", and "sw", along with a "CVSROOT" folder leftover by CVS. The files in gba.tar are formatted with CVS, so they all have the ",v" suffix.

Some time after gba.tar was dumped, BroadOn's "gba" tree was renamed to "client".